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Medals exams mark the evolution of a ballroom dancer's learning.

On Saturday, March 20, thirteen Pacific Ballroom Dance students were tested and awarded syllabus medals through the United States Terpsichore Association with examiner and Academy director Monique Hrouda. Lindsey Maner, Katelyn Maner, Isaac Eugenio, Eli Eugenio, Sydney Longhurst and Blake Mecham earned their silver medals. Hunter Trujillo, David Miller, Moya Udd, Marcus Swanson, Anna Bryant, Helena Leondard and Taylor Puryear earned Bronze medals.

Bronze student Taylor Puryear is assisted by partner Dane Remer during her medals exam, administered by Monique Hrouda, Academy Director.

Q&A with Taylor Puryear, junior high dancer

This was your first time taking a medals exam? Did you feel nervouse? At first it was, but as we went through the first few dances, I got more relaxed. I am nervous about going up into Bronze 2 because I won’t know everybody and there will be new steps to learn but I am also very excited. 

How did you feel in the weeks leading up to your exam? I felt pretty prepared. Me and my partner had a bunch of lessons and we practiced every week so I felt prepared.

What surprised you about the exam? It surprised me because it felt more like a lesson then an actual test. If you messed up on something she would tell you what you were doing wrong and help you fix it so you could get a higher score. 

What does this award mean to you? I am pretty proud of it. Moving up is really fun because you are getting better and you are learning. 

What did you learn during your exam? I learned, don’t really be nervous, just have confidence in what you know.