PBD COVID-19 Protocols & Procedures
Stay Informed of Organizational Updates.
PBD protocols and procedures are based off recommendations for Washington State provided by the Washington State Department of Health found HERE.
UPDATE: (8/2/21) – Masks Required for all inside the studio space.
Message from the Executive Director:
I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to write this message, but here we are again, adjusting to the newest chapter in this opus of unprecedented uncertainty. As many of you may have heard, the Delta Variant is becoming more prevalent across the United States, including within the King County area. Our primary goal has been and will continue to be the safety of our community.
On July 27th, the CDC revised the guidelines for masking to include a recommendation that both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission. King County currently falls within the guidelines for a substantial transmission area.
Starting today, August 2, 2021, Pacific Ballroom Dance will align with the current CDC guidelines to ensure the safety of our staff, students, and community. All staff and students, regardless of vaccination status, will be required to wear a mask while inside the studio.
Full Interim Guidelines from the CDC:
The only exception will be private lessons where ALL people participating in lessons are vaccinated. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to MJ or Roxanne.
Thank you,
UPDATE: (7/2/21) The Washington State Department of Health Guidelines and CDC recommendations have allowed us to modify our COVID-19 protocols. Read the full document HERE:
- Our capacity is now 100% of our building capacity.
- Masks are still recommended for unvaccinated patrons.
- Hand washing and sanitizing is still recommended.
- Surface sanitizing is still recommended.
- Partnering with others is allowed.
- Do not come to the Studio if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID, have tested positive for COVID within the last 10 days, or have had contact with a COVID positive person in the last 10 days.
As competitions have begun to open up again, students and staff attending out-of-state competitions are required to present a negative COVID-19 test result (administered after their return) before returning to the studio, or quarantine for 14 days.
01/07 - Letter from Executive Director Roxanne Nielsen
January 07, 2021
Dear PBD Families,
Following Governor Inslee’s press conference yesterday and the subsequent COVID Phase 1 Guidelines that have been posted and that we currently must follow, the management staff at PBD met to form a plan for classes and practices to be put in place starting next Monday, January 11th. We are still hashing out details of the plan and will be sending out the new schedule with detailed information by this weekend. Hopefully within the next month or two we will be able to go back to Phase 2 which is what we were in prior to the most recent shut-down.
We appreciate your patience and dedication as we continue to navigate an ever-changing landscape. Our goal has been, and continues to be, to provide the best possible experience for all of our students while staying compliant with local regulations. We are extremely proud that we have not seen any studio transmitted COVID cases and that is a testament to everyone who has sacrificed much and stayed vigilant during this time. Thank you!
We also have had in-depth discussions about the subject of Nationals. We know that most of you are aware that this competition will take place in March, although it will certainly look very different than it has in the past.
We are working on a scenario that may make it possible for the Premier teams to attend Nationals. We will be asking those parents to take a survey once we can present it with the most current information we can get. Be on the lookout for that within the next couple of weeks.
There are many ramifications for both attending and not attending Nationals. My duty as Executive Director, and the duty of the Board of Directors, is to consider all current information and the advice of people who we trust when making the final decision as to whether PBD will participate in this event.
I want to be clear that the Board and I will take into consideration the results of the survey when making the final decision about attending Nationals this year. The other factors we must consider are the health and safety of our students and staff, and how attending Nationals will affect the studio in resources – both human and financial. It is my strong opinion that participating in Nationals will be a huge drain on both, even though every family that attends will have to make a financial investment.
As you know, everyone at PBD is doing all we can to keep the studio up and running. We have cut all “extras” from the budget including costumes and anything having to do with Nationals. We all want our students to have every possible opportunity, but our kids are also ultimately my responsibility when they are participating in any PBD-sponsored event. We will continue to create innovative, creative, fulfilling, and safe opportunities for them to participate in. If it is decided that Nationals is the thing that everyone unanimously thinks is the thing to do, then we will pour our efforts into that, knowing that there may be costs that we can’t yet foresee. Whether we participate in Nationals or not, there will be a performance opportunity for all students in March.
We will keep you informed as we learn more. In the meantime, as always, if you have questions, concerns or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
I appreciate you all,
Roxanne Nielsen –
11/16 - Letter from Executive Director Roxanne Nielsen
November 16, 2020
Hello again PBD families,
Thank you very much to those of you who were able to quickly respond to the survey we sent out about how best to move forward during this shut-down. We always strive to give you the chance to give us your input. As is normal in any situation that involves many people, there are many differing opinions. Our job is to listen to all those opinions and suggestions and try to create the best, most inclusive plan possible.
So, considering everything that we know and have heard, we are moving forward with a hybrid model of instruction for the Teams and going virtual for everything else. Virtual lessons include Syllabus, Stars, Adult Classes, and Explore Dance. The exception is Dancing Classrooms Academy, which will be suspended until we are able to offer in-person instruction. Please look to your individual team and syllabus Band pages for specific scheduling information. We are NOT able to offer in-person private lessons at the studio at this time.
This DOES NOT mean that your student is required to attend any of our in-person-outside practices. We are able to offer outdoor practices because PBD falls under the Fitness and Sports category which states that intra-team practices can continue outside as long as all participants and coaches are masked. If you are not comfortable sending your student to these in-person practices, a virtual option is available, just as it has been from day one.
The safety and well-being of our students is utmost in our minds every day – not just during times like this. We want you to know that we will take every precaution to keep your family members safe. Our plan is to cover the area behind our studio that is between the two ramps with canopies and continue to use the “Pods” approach which minimizes the number of people in each pod to 5. We will also place safety cones around the area and open the garage doors so there is some light. I wish we could afford portable heaters and outdoor lighting but sadly that is not something we can invest in.
If it proves to be a more uncomfortable or dangerous situation than we had imagined, we will cease these practices. Be assured that the content of the practices during this next month will be such that missing it will not set your student back. Your student will not be punished or viewed negatively in any way if they don’t participate in the outdoor in-person practices. Attending virtually is always an option if you prefer, attending in-person is absolutely not required!
The new regulations are very strict and come with serious consequences for not adhering to them. This means the studio is not open to the public at all and therefore there will be no access to restrooms for students or non-staff adults. If your student is attending the in-person-outdoor practices, please make sure they are prepared by dressing in layers (including hats and gloves) and using the restroom before they leave to come to the studio.
We will make every effort to engage students the best we can during the virtual lessons. We learned a lot the last time we were shut down and promise to be even better this time!
I am here to hear your concerns, questions, ideas, thoughts. Call or email anytime.
It’s only a few weeks. WE CAN DO IT!! And we have the beauty of the Winter Concert, “Come As You Are” to look forward to!
Thank you for sticking with PBD and being the best extended family ever.
Roxanne Nielsen –
07/30 - Letter from Executive Director Roxanne Nielsen
July 30, 2020
Dear PBD Families,
Being hired to serve as the next Executive Director of PBD is an honor and a privilege. I am excited, nervous, and overjoyed at this opportunity! Following in the very sure footsteps of Heather Longhurst, and building on her many years of leadership, growth and stewardship, is a challenge that I am looking forward to.
I am also looking forward to meeting all of you and seeing the beautiful dancing and personal growth that takes place here. I am eager to become part of the PBD family.
Certainly, the most immediate set of challenges is creating a safe space and set of protocols to allow us to be back in the studio following the COVID-19 regulations set by our local government leadership. We wish things were “normal” – perhaps even more than you do – but until they are, we all must do everything we can to ensure that anyone who walks through our doors is as safe as possible. The last thing we want to do is to risk anyone’s health.
To that end, we are adding a tab to our website that will list all necessary precautions and steps for anyone who participates in programming at PBD. You are also always more than welcome to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns.
Part of these precautions includes limited class size, limiting partnering, mask wearing, social distancing, no observers in the building, wellness checks, etc. Please continue to check the PBD website for any updates to these protocols. Again, we are not taking any of this lightly, and we are bound by state regulations to make these adjustments.
As we enter into auditions and lessons, it is imperative that we all are on the same “team” and follow all PBD guidelines and instructions as set by PBD leadership, coaches, and instructors. Some of you may prefer virtual lessons, some might like a hybrid of in-person and virtual and some may prefer only in-person instruction when that is possible. It is our goal to try to meet everyone where they are and provide the desired programming. We are all learning more every day about new ways to connect, teach, and communicate!
One day soon (I hope!) we will all be able to greet each other with a handshake or a hug and pack in as many people as our spaces will hold. I look forward to the day when we can have a big dance party and invite you all!
Roxanne Nielsen –
Protocol-Phase 2 - Private Lessons (click here)
1 – Before Private Lesson:
- Private lesson is scheduled by instructor in Wellness Living
- Scheduling system is set up to allow no more than two private lessons (maximum 3 people/lesson) per studio space. If all spaces are used, 24 people will be participating in small groups (maintaining social distancing from other groups) which is <25% capacity required in Phase 2. Please do not schedule Studio 4 unless spots in Studio 1, and 2 are full.
- We will not open the lobby area, offices, kitchen, or bathrooms in #110. Use the back door in Studio 1 to access Studio 4 if needed.
- Instructor will prepare the lesson area using COVID Safety Procedures
- Make sure high touch surfaces are disinfected with supplies located at each teaching table.
- Wear CDC compliant facial mask.
- Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds. Paper towels are provided to dry hands – make sure to put paper towels in the trash can.
- Invite student into the studio via #109 front door.
- Ask the COVID screening questions located by the front door, and make sure they have reviewed the PBD COVID Safety Procedures also at the front door.
- If it is their first lesson, they must sign a WAIVER before the lesson. They should use their own pen for this. A parent must sign for a Minor.
- If the student does not meet the screening requirements, they are to be dismissed from the lesson immediately and the teaching area cordoned off until it can be disinfected properly. COVID-19 Site Supervisor should be notified.
- When you are ready to teach the lesson, show student their designated studio space for their lesson.
- If you are teaching a PBD student, check student into the lesson and charge card online (if student has not pre-paid) in Wellness Living.
- If you are teaching a private client, maintain a log of clients taught, including at a minimum: first name, last name, physical address, and telephone information. Payments should be made using a cashless, paperless system.
- Student will prepare for lesson using COVID Safety procedures
- Wear training clothes to your lesson. No changing will be allowed in the studio other than shoes.
- Bring a water bottle. You will be allowed to use a drinking fountain only to fill bottles – no drinking directly from a fountain.
- Enter Studio when invited by Instructor (#109 front door).
- Review PBD COVID Safety Procedures and answer COVID screening questions asked by your instructor. You must leave the lesson immediately if you do not meet the screening requirements.
- No observers will be allowed in the studio.
- Wear CDC compliant facial mask.
- Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. Paper towels are provided to dry hands-make sure to put paper towels in the trash can.
- Stay in designated studio space for your lesson.
2 – During Private Lesson:
- Demonstrate steps maintaining social distancing whenever possible. If you are sharing a space with another instructor, make sure social distancing is maintained at all times between groups.
- Instructors and students should wear masks at all times, and wash hands frequently.
- If anyone falls ill and needs to be dismissed from the lesson, the lesson area will be cordoned off until it can be disinfected properly. An incident report should be filled out and COVID-19 Site Supervisor should be notified as soon as possible.
3 – After Private Lesson:
- Student will remove all gear and equipment from the lesson space, wash hands, and exit the lesson space and studio maintaining social distancing. Instructor will accompany student to exit.
- Instructor will disinfect any high touch surfaces in the lesson area and anywhere their student entered. (door knobs, door bar, water fountain bars, bathrooms if used, teaching table, sound controls, sound source, and chairs if used).
- Instructor will wash hands and exit the space and studio making sure all lights are off, doors are locked, and disinfecting supplies are in their proper place. Notify COVID-19 Site Supervisor if more supplies are needed.
Instructor Education:
- Instructors teaching private lessons will be responsible for ensuring that the COVID-19 Safety Plan is being adhered to.
- Do not teach a lesson unless you are healthy.
- Take your temperature before you arrive at the Studio. Anything over 100.4 F. is considered a fever and you cannot teach.
- Go through the COVID screening questions in your mind and answer them before teaching your first lesson of the day.
- You must wear a CDC compliant face mask.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- If you need to leave before completing your lessons because you are ill, the area you were teaching in needs to be cordoned off until it can be properly disinfected.
- Keep back doors open and turn on fans in studio 2 and 3 to increase ventilation.
- Disposable face masks and gloves are available in the #109 Staff Office if needed.
- The studio will be properly cleaned each morning, and maintained as you disinfect used areas throughout the day.
Student Education:
- Enter at front door #109 when invited by an instructor.
- You will need to sign a WAIVER before your first private lesson. Bring your own pen to use for this purpose. A parent will need to sign the waiver for a Minor.
- No observers are allowed during your lesson.
- Make sure you are wearing your practice gear. No changing will be allowed in the studio with the exception of shoes.
- Bring a water bottle-you will not be allowed to drink directly from the fountain.
- Do not come to a lesson unless you are healthy. You will need to answer COVID screening questions before each lesson.
- You must wear a CDC compliant face mask and wash your hands frequently. Hand sanitizer is also available.
- Stay in your lesson space and maintain social distancing whenever possible.
- If you feel ill during a lesson, alert your instructor right away and leave the facility with all of your gear.
- We will disinfect high touch areas frequently throughout the day.
- If PBD COVID Safety Procedures are not strictly adhered to, your lesson will be ended immediately.
Post-exposure incident project-wide recovery plan:
If an employee or client is confirmed to have COVID-19 infection after a private lesson, PBD should inform fellow employees and clients determined to have been in close contact of their possible exposure to COVID- 19 in the workplace, but maintain confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). PBD will instruct fellow employees about how to proceed based on the CDC Public Health Recommendations for Community-Related Exposure.
Signage needed:
All students and instructors must wear masks to participate in private lessons.
No entrance if
- You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are within the required 14-day quarantine
- You have had symptom of COVID-19 within the last 24 hours
- You have had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days
Area Closed – No Entrance (doors to #110 lobby area, private offices, kitchen, bathrooms)
High Touch areas: Door knobs, Door bar, Water fountain Bars, Bathrooms (if used), Teaching Tables and sound controls, music source, chairs (if used).
WAIVER needs to be drafted and be available to be signed for all students at first lesson. They should bring their own pen to sign the waiver.
Thermometer is at the front desk if needed.
- Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID?
- Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
- Have you had a fever in the last 8 hours?
- Have you had a loss of taste or smell?
- Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
Protocol-Phase 2 - Small Group Instruction (click here)
1 – Before Small Group Instruction:
- Small Group Instruction already scheduled in Wellness Living. Register for desired class/team.
- No more than 14 students are allowed in each large studio (<25% occupancy). Classes will be capped, and teams will be divided into smaller “pods” to make sure capacity limits are followed. Your instructor will assign you to a “pod”. Pods will attend in-person classes as per the instructor schedule so capacity limits and small group instruction limits are accomplished. A virtual option will also be available to students opting to participate virtually. (These students will not be limited to studio capacity requirements).
- We will not open the lobby area, offices, or kitchen, to the public in #110. Use the back door in Studio 1 to access Studio 4 when escorted to class.
- Instructor and Staff will prepare the class area using COVID Safety Procedures
- Make sure high touch surfaces are disinfected with supplies located at each teaching table.
- Wear CDC compliant facial mask. Masks and gloves are available if needed.
- Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds. Paper towels are provided to dry hands-make sure to put paper towels in the trash can.
- Student enters COVID screening area in the studio via #109 front door.
- Front Desk Staff or other PBD Staff will ask the COVID screening questions located by the front door, take temperature, review Student PBD COVID Safety Procedures, and place a “screening completed sticker” on the student.
- If it is their first lesson, they must sign a WAIVER before the lesson. They should use their own pen for this. A parent must sign for a Minor.
- If the student does not meet the screening requirements, they are to be dismissed from the lesson immediately and the teaching area cordoned off until it can be disinfected properly. COVID-19 Site Supervisor should be notified
- When you are ready to teach the lesson, lead students to their designated studio space for their lesson.
- Make sure you take attendance in Wellness Living each lesson session.
- Student will prepare for class using COVID Safety Procedures
- Wear training clothes to your class. No changing will be allowed in the studio other than shoes.
- Bring a water bottle because you will be allowed to use a drinking fountain only to fill bottles – no drinking directly from a fountain.
- Enter Studio when invited by Instructor or PBD Staff (#109 front door).
- Review PBD COVID Safety Procedures and answer COVID screening questions asked by your instructor or PBD Staff. You will be given a sticker to wear indicating that you have been screened. Wear it while you are at the studio. You must leave the class immediately if you do not meet the screening requirements.
- No observers will be allowed in the studio.
- Wear CDC compliant facial mask. Masks and gloves are available if needed.
- Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. Paper towels are provided to dry hands-make sure to put paper towels in the trash can.
- Stay in designated studio space for your entire class. Keep gear with you.
2 – During Small Group Instruction:
- Follow instructor’s direction at all times. Demonstrate steps maintaining social distancing whenever possible. Stay in your designated area of the studio.
- Instructors and students should wear masks at all times, and wash hands frequently.
- If anyone falls ill and needs to be dismissed from the lesson, the lesson area will be cordoned off until it can be disinfected properly. An incident report should be filled out and COVID-19 Site Supervisor should be notified as soon as possible.
3 – After Small Group Instruction:
- Student will remove all gear and equipment from the class space, wash hands, and exit the class space and studio maintaining social distancing. Instructor will accompany student to exit.
- Instructor will disinfect any high touch surfaces in the lesson area and anywhere their student entered or occupied. (door knobs, door bar, water fountain bars, bathrooms if used, teaching table, sound controls, sound source, and chairs if used).
- Instructor will wash hands and exit the space and studio making sure all lights are off, doors are locked, and disinfecting supplies are in their proper place. Notify COVID-19 Site Supervisor if more supplies are needed.
Instructor Education:
- Instructors teaching small group instruction will be responsible for ensuring that the COVID-19 Safety Plan is being adhered to.
- Do not teach a class unless you are healthy.
- Take your temperature before you arrive at the Studio. Anything over 100.4 F. is considered a fever and you cannot teach.
- Go through the COVID screening questions in your mind and answer them before teaching your first lesson of the day.
- You must wear a CDC compliant face mask. Masks and gloves are available if needed.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- If you need to leave before completing your class because you are ill, the area you were teaching in needs to be cordoned off until it can be properly disinfected.
- Keep back doors open and turn on fans in all studios to increase ventilation.
- Disposable face masks and gloves are available in the #109 Staff Office if needed.
- The studio will be properly cleaned each morning, and maintained as you disinfect used areas throughout the day. The studio is deep cleaned on an accelerated schedule.
(Monday and Wednesday morning).
Student Education:
- Enter at front door #109 when invited by an instructor or PBD Staff.
- You will need to sign a WAIVER before your first class. Bring your own pen to use for this purpose. A parent will need to sign the waiver for a Minor.
- No observers are allowed during your class.
- Make sure you are wearing your practice gear. No changing will be allowed in the studio with the exception of shoes.
- Bring a water bottle-you will not be allowed to drink directly from the fountain.
- Do not come to a lesson unless you are healthy. You will need to answer COVID screening questions and have your temperature taken before each class.
- You must wear a CDC compliant face mask and wash your hands frequently. Hand sanitizer is also available. Masks and gloves are available.
- Stay in your class space and maintain social distancing whenever possible.
- If you feel ill during a class, alert your instructor right away and leave the facility with all of your gear.
- We will disinfect high touch areas frequently throughout the day. The studio is deep cleaned on an accelerated schedule.
- If PBD COVID Safety Procedures are not strictly adhered to, you will be dismissed from your class immediately.
Post-exposure incident project-wide recovery plan:
If an employee or client is confirmed to have COVID-19 infection after a class, PBD should inform fellow employees and clients determined to have been in close contact of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace, but maintain confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). PBD will instruct fellow employees about how to proceed based on the CDC Public Health Recommendations for Community-Related Exposure.
Signage needed:
All students and instructors must wear masks to participate in private lessons.
No entrance if
- You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are within the required 14-day quarantine
- You have had symptom of COVID-19 within the last 24 hours
- You have had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days
Area Closed – No Entrance (doors to #110 lobby area, private offices, kitchen)
High Touch areas: Door knobs, Door bar, Water fountain Bars, Bathrooms (if used), Teaching Tables and sound controls, music source, chairs (if used).
WAIVER needs to be drafted and be available to be signed for all students at first lesson. They should bring their own pen to sign the waiver.
Thermometer is at the front desk when needed.
- Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID?
- Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
- Have you had a fever in the last 8 hours?
- Have you had a loss of taste or smell?
- Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?