Performing & Competition Team Auditions
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Performing Team Auditions
WHO: Dancers of all Skill Levels • Grades 4-12
WHAT: Audition for Performing Teams • 1-2 Rounds
WHEN: June 19-21, 2024
WHERE: Pacific Ballroom Dance Studio in Auburn
If you are unable to attend the audition in person, you may submit a video of you dancing 90 seconds/each of Cha Cha and Waltz to
Round 1 (Academy Round) = held Wednesday (Junior & Youth) and Thursday (Preteen) during the audition week.
Round 2 (Choreography Round) = Junior & Youth dancers may be called back based on their round 1 scores for another round of consideration for the more advanced teams. These callbacks will be held on Thursday and Friday the week of auditions.
Cabaret Performing Team
WHO: Dancers Grades 9-12 • Must have taken the Cabaret Class
WHAT: Audition for Cabaret Team • 1-2 Rounds
WHEN: June 21, 2024
WHERE: Pacific Ballroom Dance Studio in Auburn

Competition Team Auditions
WHO: Dancers of all Skill Levels • Grades 3-12
WHAT: Audition for Competition Teams • 1-2 Rounds
WHEN: September 9-14, 2024
WHERE: Pacific Ballroom Dance Studio in Auburn
If you are unable to attend the audition in person, you may submit a video of you dancing 90 seconds/each of audition dance to
ROUND 1 (Academy Round) = held according to the schedule below. Each level and style will have a separate audition day/time.
ROUND 2 (Choreography Round) = Junior & Youth dancers may be called back based on their round 1 scores for another round of consideration for the more advanced teams. These callbacks will be held on Saturday the week of auditions.
Round 1 – For leads: they may wear a team uniform/shirt and black pants or latin pants. Dancers may choose to wear a button up shirt and tie instead. It can be any color. If they have dance shoes, they should wear them, if not, they should wear a shoe that they feel comfortable dancing in. Hair should be well groomed.
For follows: they may wear a team uniform/shirt, or a nice blouse/skirt or dress that can be danced in, preferably black. Fishnets and/or tights may be worn. If they have dance shoes, they should wear them, if not, they should wear a shoe that they feel comfortable dancing in. Hair should be well groomed and pulled away from the face.
For Round 2 (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – if you are called back for this round, dancers should come in rehearsal attire ready to dance.
For leads: they should wear black pants or latin pants, and a dark t-shirt. All dance shoes should be brought as well if they have them.
For follows: they should wear black pants or leggings, and a black t-shirt. The shirt needs to cover their mid-section while dancing, or a leotard may be worn underneath. All dance shoes should be brought as well if they have them. Hair should be pulled back in a ponytail or bun.
Audition Process
ROUND ONE (Academy/Technique Round)
Performing & Competition Teams = Each dancer will be asked to demonstrate 2 dances in the style they are auditioning for (see schedule below). Dancers may use open or syllabus routines in the International style (no smooth/rhythm). Dancers may dance with a partner of their choice or solo.
JUDGING: Dancers will be scored by a panel of judges on a scale from 1-5 in each dance in the following categories:
Legs + Feet, Body Use, Rhythm + Timing, Performance + Energy
Cabaret Team = Each dancer will be asked to demonstrate foundational lifts, strength exercises, and technique while switching between various partners. An optional second round may be used to demonstrate choreography and performance skills.
JUDGING: Dancers will be scored by a panel of judges on a scale from 1-5 in categories which may include:
Fitness, Strength/Stability, Transitions, Performance/Lines, Technique
ROUND TWO (Choreography Round) - Junior & Youth Dancers
Performing & Competition Teams = Junior and Youth dancers may be called back to a second round. They will be given a section of choreography to learn either during the round 2 audition or prior to the callback round. On the day of the callback, dancers will be asked to demonstarte this choreography and participate in some group exercises.
JUDGING: Dancers will be scored by a panel of judges on a scale from 1-5 in categories which may include:
Choreography, Technique, Formations, Details, Performance, Athleticism
2024-25 Competition Team Callback Choreography
This choreography will be used for the Round 2 audition in each division. Please come prepared knowing the choreography and ready to demonstrate it in formation.Youth A Latin
Samba Choreography
Youth A Ballroom
Hungarian Tango Choreography
Junior A Latin
Cha Cha Choreography
Junior A Ballroom
Tango Choreography
2024-25 Season Audition Schedules
For the 2024-25 Season = June 19-21, 2024
Wednesday June 19th
• 4-6:00pm Junior Round 1 Audition
• 6:30-9:00pm Youth Round 1 Audition
• Approx 10:30pm Junior & Youth Callbacks posted online
Thursday June 20th
• 4:30-6:00pm Preteen Round 1 Audition & Group Class
• 6:30-10:00pm Youth A/B1 Callback Round 2 Audition
Friday June 21st
• 9-10:30am Youth B1/B2 Callback Round 2 Audition
• 11:30am-1:30pm Cabaret Team Audition
• 2-5:00pm Junior Round 2 Audition
Sunday June 23rd
Post Audition Results
For the 2024-25 Season = September 9-14, 2024
Monday September 9th
JUNIOR LATIN & JUNIOR LADIES COMP • 6:30-7:30pm (Cha Cha + Samba)
Tuesday September 10th
PRETEEN COMP • 5-6:00pm (Cha Cha + Waltz)
YOUTH LATIN & JUNIOR LADIES COMP • 7-8:30pm (Samba + Rumba)
Wednesday September 11th
JUNIOR BALLROOM • 6:30-7:30pm (Tango + Quickstep)
Thursday September 12th
YOUTH BALLROOM • 7-8:30pm (Waltz + Tango)
Saturday September 14th
YOUTH BALLROOM Callback • 9:30-10:30am
YOUTH LATIN Callback • 11-12:00pm
JUNIOR LATIN Callback • 2-3:00pm
JUNIOR BALLROOM Callback • 3:30-4:30pm
Sunday September 15th
Post Audition Results
Performing Team Audition Registration Process
No Need to Register for Competition AuditionsSTEP ONE:
Register for auditions with this form.
Choose a timeslot for your audition
Come to the Studio on the day of your audition ready to have fun and showcase your dancing!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a partner to audition?
It is recommended that you select a partner to dance with during your audition, but it is not required. We will have some volunteers available who can partner with you for your audition. If you feel more comfortable dancing by yourself, that will be allowed as well.
Do I have to audition?
To be considered for an A or B1 team, you must audition to be considered for those level teams. However, if you wish to participate on a B or B2 level team, an audition isn’t necessary and you can immediately enroll in those teams when enrollment opens. We recommend you let us know your decision to enroll in a B or B2 team as this can affect the number of open spots on teams.
How do I sign up for a time to audition?
What if I can't attend the audition in-person or I will be out of town? Can I still audition? (VIDEO TIPS INCLUDED)
For Round 1 – if you are unable to attend the audition in person, please submit a video of you dancing 90 seconds of Waltz and Cha Cha to Katie Mecham by June 18th to The coaches will score this video.
• Please be sure that your entire body is in the video frame so that we can see your technique.
• Please do not have a coach or parent count you in. We would like to see your ability to find the rhythm.
• CHA CHA MUSIC: Here is a cha cha song that you may use for your filming: CLICK HERE
• WALTZ MUSIC: Here is a waltz song that you may use for your filming: CLICK HERE
For Round 2 (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – if you are unable to attend this round as well, your Waltz and Cha Cha video will be scored again.
What if I have never danced before and I don't know any Waltz or Cha Cha?
We will be having a free workshop on Saturday (6/8) from 5-6:00pm where a basic Waltz and Cha Cha routine will be taught.
What is the audition process?
For Round 1 – your syllabus audition consists of dancing a waltz and cha cha for about 90 seconds each. There will be a panel of coaches that give scores on your dancing for each dance. Those scores are then tabulated and a callback list is generated for the Youth and Junior age categories. There is only one round for the Preteen age group, which consists of a group class and syllabus dances.
For Round 2 (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – if you are called back you will need to stay for the callback block assigned to your age group. During this session dancers will have the opportunity to learn new choreography in a fast paced environment (multiple dances) in a group setting. They are then asked to perform that choreography for a panel of coaches that will be scoring the session. At the end of the session, the scores are tabulated and final team lists are generated.
What should I wear for the audition (clothing, shoes, hair)?
For Round 1 – we ask that dancers wear syllabus dance attire, semi-formal attire, or come in anything that is nice and easy to dance in.
For leads: they should wear black pants or latin pants, and a button up shirt and tie. It can be any color. If they have dance shoes, they should wear them, if not, they should wear a shoe that they feel comfortable dancing in. Hair should be well groomed.
For follows: they should wear a syllabus white or black leotard and skirt, or a nice blouse/skirt or dress that can be danced in. Fishnets and/or tights may be worn. If they have dance shoes, they should wear them, if not, they should wear a shoe that they feel comfortable dancing in. Hair should be well groomed and pulled away from the face.
For Round 2 (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – if you are called back for this round, dancers should come in rehearsal attire ready to dance.
For leads: they should wear black pants or latin pants, and a dark t-shirt. All dance shoes should be brought as well if they have them.
For follows: they should wear black pants or leggings, and a black t-shirt. The shirt needs to cover their mid-section while dancing, or a leotard may be worn underneath. All dance shoes should be brought as well if they have them. Hair should be pulled back in a ponytail or bun.
Will I be the only one dancing when I audition?
For Round 1 – there will be one or two couples auditioning at a time.
For Round 2 (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – the entire group will be learning choreography at the same time. Dancers will then be called out in smaller groups to dance for the coaches.
How long is the Round 1 audition?
For preteen dancers, you will partipate in a group class and dance your waltz & cha cha. It will probably take the whole block of time, 1.5 hours.
For junior & youth, each age group has roughly a 2-hour block for auditions. You will sign up for a slot within the appropriate time block. Please arrive to your scheduled audition at least 20 minutes early to sign in.
The actual audition takes about 5 minutes. You will enter with your partner and up to one other couple. There will be a small panel of coaches in the room to observe your audition. You will then be asked to dance a waltz for about 90 seconds. When you are finished, you will have the chance to change shoes if you would like. You will then be asked to dance about 90 seconds of cha cha. If you are not auditioning with anyone else, you are free to go at that point.
What style of dances will I have to dance in the audition? Can I dance syllabus or open routines?
For Round 1 – dancers will be asked to perform a Waltz for about 90 seconds and then a Cha Cha for about 90 seconds. Dancers can dance syllabus or open waltz and cha cha, either International or American style are accepted.
For Round 2 (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – dancers will learn new choreography (could be any style) during the session that they will be asked to demonstrate during the callback round.
Do I need to stay the entire block of time for auditions?
For Round 1 – If you are auditioning at the preten age (Grades 4-6) , you will need to stay for the whole session. If you are auditioning for Junior or Youth, you do not need to stay the entire time. If you are not auditioning with anyone else, you are free to go after you have completed your audition.
For Round 2 (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – if you are called back you will need to stay for the block assigned to your age group.
How do I know if I’ve been called back? What happens if you are called back to another round?
After Round 1, a list will be posted online Wednesday June 19th around 10:30pm for Junior & Youth dancers that should attend the callback round on Thursday June 20th (Youth A/B1) and Friday June 21st (Youth B1/B2 & Juniors).
For Round 2 please read the included instructions carefully with the callback list (Junior & Youth Callbacks) – if you are called back you will need to stay for the block assigned to your age group. During this session dancers will have the opportunity to learn new choreography in a fast paced environment (multiple dances) in a group setting. They are then asked to perform that choreography for a panel of coaches that will be scoring the session. At the end of the session, the scores are tabulated and final team lists are generated. There may also be a video element to the audition where dancers are asked to learn a sequence of choreography before the session.
When will the final results be posted?
The final team lists will be posted online on or before Sunday the week of the auditions.
2024-25 Competition Event Information
All the information you need to know about team competition events for the 2024-25 season.
Q: Why should you consider auditioning for the Competition Teams?
Q: What are the Competition Season details this year? How long is the season?
Q: How many couples are on the Competition Teams? How will alternate positions work?
Q: Are Ladies Competition Teams happening this year? Can you do multiple teams?
Q: What will the audition process be like for the Competition Teams?
Q: Where can I find more details and have additional questions answered?